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Enrollment and EligibilityEnrollment and Eligibility

OPWDD Eligibility and Enrollment

Application and enrollment for a lifetime of OPWDD services

Empowerment for life — tap into the wealth of support available to your child

If you think your child may be eligible for OPWDD services, reach out and we’ll guide you through the enrollment process. A large range of disabilities are considered for OPWDD approval. Common diagnoses are autism, Down syndrome, genetic diseases, intellectual disabilities, and cerebral palsy among others. It’s important to note that often a child who doesn't have a visible disability or a specific diagnosis will still be approved for OPWDD services.

We’ll help you ascertain if they’re likely to be found eligible for OPWDD approval. Once they are, your child will receive services that grow and adapt along with them. As they move toward adulthood, they will continue to receive benefits generally unavailable via health insurance or the Department of Education.

Who is eligible?

Participants must meet these criteria to apply for this service via Hamaspik of Kings County.

  • Live in NYC or Nassau County
  • Have an intellectual or developmental disability
  • Birth-21

Note: It’s possible for adults to be OPWDD eligible if there is documented proof of disability from before the person turned 22.

Good things to know:

Good things to know:

  • Applicants can receive perks such as free diapers, formula, and some support services even before approval. A little taste of the relief to come!
  • To be approved for OPWDD services, you must apply before the person turns 22 or have documented proof of disability before that age.
  • OPWDD services offer support beyond what the DOE provides for school-age children. Hamaspik can arrange 1:1 support after school and on weekends, and introduce  you to many helpful programs.
  • Receiving these services will not prevent your child from attending college or getting a driver's license. In fact, it may allow them to get special accommodations.

A weight off their shoulders

Ahuva Breuer, Intake Coordinator, Five Towns

It's unbelievable to feel the excitement from the parents when they hear their child has been approved for OPWDD services and they can finally get the help they need. I can almost feel the weight lifting off their shoulders when I give them the news. This gives me the push to help the next parent — to be there for them throughout the process.

The heart behind the service

Hamaspik Team

Dini Freund

Department Director
Director of Intake

“We understand that the intake process can be hard for parents, so we do everything in our power to make it clear and efficient.”

Hamaspik team

Yehudis Heimfeld

OPWDD Supervisor

“We educate parents on all different service options available for their specific circumstances. You can literally see the relief of clarity from parents at the end of the phone call."

Interested in
OPWDD Services?

Reach out to the knowledgeable intake team
in your area — they’ll help you get started! (If you prefer to do the intake process in another location, that’s fine, too.)

In Williamsburg, call Gitty Klar at 718-587-8400 ext. 104
In Boro Park, call Etty Kurtz at 718-587-8400 ext. 153
In the Five Towns or Queens, call Ahuva Breuer at 516-875-8400 ext.255
In Crown Heights, call Sarale Blesofsky at 718-587-8400 ext. 301
In Flatbush, call Riki Masri at 718-587-8400 ext. 757

For other locations, call Yehudis Heimfeld at 718-587-8400 ext. 156

Interested in Hamaspik Services
Siblings are special too

Siblings of children with special needs have special needs, too!

Dr. Sora Yaraslowitz offers wise guidance on dealing with the emotional and practical challenges many sibs face. It’s advice you'll refer to time and again.

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